
cOcK eSp - collaborators with Violent Onsen Geisha

gRoUnD zErO - originators of Project:Consume, and source material for the Conflagration CD

jApAn oVeRsEaS - released Balloon Collector In The Wilderness (Who Is Totally Naked) 7", U.S. Tour '95 CD, and Hair Stylistics Best Of Hair-Style In My Life 7"

mAsOnNa - one half of the split LP

nOiSe - 'zine issue #8 featured Violent Onsen Geisha interview

rRr - released Noise and Junk Omnibus CD, split LP with Masonna and The Midnight Gambler CD

sElF aBuSe rEcOrDs - released Soundtrack For The End Of The World CD

sOnOrE - released Japanese Independent Music book & CD

tHrIlL jOcKeY - released Reprovisers split 12" and CD

tRaTtOrIa - released Teenage PetSounds CD and Trattoria Menu.100's Magical Kingdom 3xCD

vAnIlLa rEcOrDs - released Shocks! Shocks! Shocks! cassette, Excrete Music CD, I'm Stupid cassette, and Come Again 3x7"